weekly drive

This week i drove up to a town called Ojai. it is about a 45 min drive from my house and it is a small town around a lake. i went with my dog and we just found an old abandoned road and i got a sandwich in town and we hung out, my dog ran around, i ate and had a little photo shoot with my clothes, old ratty sperry top siders, a 5$ indian pattern jacket and blue jeans were the choice of clothes for the day. it was after school and to take my mind off of drama and school i came up here to unwind and have a good time.

photo 1 (3)

i sat at the end of this dead end road for about 3 hours thinking writing watching my dog play and day dreaming basically.

photo 3 (2)


these are my old sperrys. i just got a new pair but i love these, they fit perfect they look sweet and im not worried about getting them dirty. My new pair which i will post about soon, are gold plated and ones i would never wear in these conditions.





photo 2 (2)

i thought this was kind of a cool idea, i mean i probably could have done it a little better but in the time it took it turned out cool


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