Week of shoes: Day 3

okay. today you meet my babies. you might have seen the gucci shoes if you saw my second post. The gucci’s, in black, are 600 but were i think 700 at Barneys when i bought them. actually both pairs are from Barneys but my second pair, which are Barneys brand, I bought yesterday in LA at the Barneys warehouse where all the prices are marked down significantly. i bought these shoes for 180 but they were originally 450. I only wear my gucci drivers to dinners out or special occasions. My new brown drivers on the other hand, i want to wear in, wear them to school and weekends and just general activities. They are both super comfortable but, i cannot wear my Gucci’s without socks because they are just not warn in yet. but Im sure after a while they will get worn in. Shia LaBeouf was seen wearing the driving shoes not that long ago. I would recommend buying both these shoes. to me, its well worth the money.

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This was the night i bought them. my hotel was right next to Barneys so i literally bought them and was back in my room 5 minuets later. I was so worried my dad would be mad about me spending this much money but he was actually happy. he said that his dad wore them his whole life so he thought it was cool that i liked them too.


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I was so tempted to go out and wear my Gucci’s everywhere i knew i had to buy a cheaper pair so when i saw these, they were perfect.


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