Camino Cielo Drive

Last night I got home from school and the gardeners at my house were using the leaf blower so i couldn’t focus on homework at all. I decided to go and get some peace and quiet. 2 hours later I was way up in the mountains behind Montecito. I powered through all my homework and if i could do this every day i would. it is a scary drive but well worth it. I haven’t been driving for very long so to be driving on these super gnarly roads was kind of a challenge. my moms car is a diesel and I am still getting used to it so driving it for the first time in this environment was a challenge to say the least. I have never had to choose my gear before so when i was driving i chose to put it in sport mode, with all the turns it was hard most defiantly. It was like driving a stick shift car without the clutch.

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The whole drive was blind turns. Super crazy. I had to hop out of the car and climb up on this rock, take note, sperry top siders are not the best climbing shoes. But this panorama turned out pretty good.


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Last week there was a super gnarly storm so all throughout the drive there was broken trees, and as the sun went down i took the chance t take a cool picture of this split tree.

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Because of day light savings the sun is setting later and later so i was expecting the sun to set on my drive but it was like 6:30 and the sun still hadn’t set so i was trying to take a cool sunset picture for you guys but i couldn’t get it in time.


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